Zero Fares
The Grant Transit Authority (GTA) Board of Directors approved a new policy implementing permanent Fare Free Service. In April, 2020, the Board of Directors authorized a temporary elimination of fares to allow for faster boarding and to minimize lengthy close contact due to the onset of the Coronavirus. This fare elimination was extended a couple different times over the past year and a half and was set to expire in December, 2022. The legislature approved additional funding opportunities for transit providers who offer a zero-fare for 18 and under program. The program must extend to every type of transit service the agency offers. After several discussions between staff and the GTA Board, it was determined the best course of action for Grant Transit Authority would be to adopt a Zero Fares for all policy. (Excluding Vanpool, which is a full cost recovery program.) The revised fare policy was adopted at the August, 2022 board meeting, and took effect on September 1, 2022.
So, come ride the bus…FOR FREE!